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Criminal Practice

When you're facing a criminal charge, you need the help of a knowledgeable attorney with experience. Rafael Trujillo has aggressively and successfully defended thousands of clients in the Bay Area for 35 years.Rafael understands that being charged with a crime is one of the most stressful experiences clients and their families can go through. By actively communicating with his clients, Rafael is able to make an arrest and the events that follow more bearable. Because of his considerable experience, he can readily explain all the legal issues a case presents to a client and their families.   

Areas of Practice

Drug Offenses

Rafael’s substantial experience in the defense of drug charges involves the strategic use of the following:   
1) A well crafted and focused legal motion practice designed to attack the government’s factual and legal basis for the charges. 
2) Years of prior association and use of specialized and experienced criminal investigators, all with track records of securing needed witnesses, discrediting the prosecution's witnesses, and tracking down needed records.   
3) The use of relevant and effective experts with a history of success in the courtroom to expose the government’s overstatement, exaggerations or false statements, including marijuana experts, former law enforcement officers, certified drug laboratories and physical sciences experts. 


Typical drug offenses include simple possession, possession for sales, transportation and/or distribution, cultivation, and distribution to minors. Rafael has experience with cases involving Cannabis, Cocaine, Crack, Methamphetamine, Heroin, and prescription drugs.


Domestic Violence

Rafael has handled hundreds of domestic violence cases. He thoroughly investigates the alleged victims claims, and employs only the most experienced investigators and experts when defending those accused of domestic violence.

Domestic violence is a very serious charge. If you are faced with such allegations, you need someone with experience to guide you through a Court system that is typically stacked against the defense. Even if your accuser wants to drop the accusations, a well experienced criminal attorney is critical to achieving a favorable outcome.


DUI and DMV Issues

A DUI charge can seriously impact the way you live, and your ability to work. And with the new Cannabis laws, officers are aggressively targeting people for driving under the influence. From the moment you are charged, you have 10 days to make a legal challenge, or the DMV will suspend your license for four months. You need to get an experienced attorney, and fast!


Rafael has an extensive record defending clients facing DUI charges. He utilizes experts in toxicology, forensics, and accident reconstruction to make sure clients have every possible defense. When you're dealing with not only criminal court, but also the DMV, you need the tools Rafael can offer.


Assault Offenses

Defendants charged in assault cases do best when their lawyers jump right into the case when it is fresh. Assault cases require intensive and aggressive investigations into all witnesses' backgrounds and motives. Rafael has a successful record of working tirelessly with experienced investigators locating favorable defense witnesses.


Rafael has represented hundreds of clients charged with almost every type of assault offense including assault by force likely to result in great bodily injury, assault with intent to commit rape, assault with deadly weapons, mayhem, assault with firearms, assault resulting in great bodily injury (GBI), and sexual assault/rape.

Three Strikes Cases

Clients facing “Three strikes” prosecutions require skillful and aggressive lawyering to have the best chance for success. It can be the difference between holding onto your freedom, and spending the rest of your life in prison. These cases present the largest challenges for criminal defense lawyers. Only an experienced defense lawyer should be entrusted with your life. Rafael has an excellent record of skillfully representing three strikes clients.  


Weapon Offenses

Many weapon offenses present illegal search and seizure issues that must be confronted early on with aggressive, well prepared and carefully crafted defense motions to suppress. Rafael has done that successfully throughout his career for hundreds of clients charged with weapon related offenses. After dismissals several clients had their lawful weapons returned.


Motions to return property are civil proceedings completely separate from criminal cases. Strict civil procedures must be followed to have the best opportunity for successfully returning any seized properties under drug laws or in weapons cases.


Probation Violations

Probation plays an integral role in the criminal justice system, and many probationers will face violation charges. An experienced defense attorney knows how to defend against violations, and how to secure dismissals in appropriate cases or get an alternative disposition for clients. 


Rafael has represented several hundred probationers, successfully securing alternative sentences for many of them, including drug or alcohol programs, work furloughs, home detentions, community service, fines or electronic monitoring. Well thought out alternatives allow clients to remain in the community, continue supporting their families without losing their jobs or training programs, and continue with school plans or medical treatments.


Vehicular Homicide

Vehicular Homicide charges are among the most difficult to fight. Under the wrong circumstances, they can end up getting you a lengthy prison sentence. You need to act quickly in order to keep yourself from facing severe consequences. Not only is Rafael experienced with this aspect of criminal law, but he also has a pool of effective investigators and experts that can make all the difference in your case. 


Asset Forfeiture Return

Asset Forfeiture laws are confusing, and predatory. Most people who have been subjected to them are horribly surprised to find out that it's not as simple as getting their charges dropped, and getting their possessions returned. Rafael can help you get back what was taken from you, even when the police and prosecutors are trying their best to keep it.

Contact Us Today

If you're facing criminal charges, don't wait, contact us today! The sooner we start working on your case, the more likely it is that you'll have a favorable outcome. Just click the Contact Us form below, and let us know how we can help you.

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